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The six-year-old child remained unvaccinated from influenza. He played in the sandbox in his backyard while his mom wrote speeches and decorated posters against vaccination. He remained clueless to the issues his mother kept addressing, publicly marching his autistic older sister around crowds of angry parents.

Currently, he was building a sand castle. His plastic buckets and shovels surrounded him as he worked. It was late afternoon in July and the sun was pouring down from the sky. The child played jocundly in the sand.

The one-year-old toddler from next door crawled onto the boy’s backyard. He eyed her but continued playing with his sandcastle. As she continued approaching him, constantly stopping to observe her surroundings, he got up. He walked over to her and picked her up, cradling her in his arms. He walked away, not noticing that the little pink cap she was wearing had fallen off near his sand castle.

He walked towards his window to try to get his mother’s attention. However, her back was turned towards him so he stopped his useless waving and walked over to the neighbors. He rang the doorbell and returned the little girl to the fretful parents, who were grateful for his help.

Four months later, the boy, dressed in a black suit, walked to the grave.

In Loving Memory of

Little Jane Stuart.

January 2015-March 2016.”

    The snapshots of his peeks through the window of the measles-ridden girl ran through the boy’s head. He laid down the pink little cap and a tear before walking out of the graveyard.


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