Fundraising Ideas for School

  1. Bake Sale: Everyone loves food! Try to time these at opportunal times, such as when guests/parents/etc. are visiting other schools.
  2. Jewelery Sale: Ask friends and family to donate their old jewelery (things that aren’t broken!) and resell them. This should be easy because many times jewelery is gifted from friends/family and isn’t appreciated by the recipient. As long as it’s planned with enough time, it should work!
  3. JAR WARS: Encourage people to use their cents to further their cause and donate to charity! Divide donators in groups with different jars-if in a school, grades will do-and make currency from $1 up count + for that jar and negative for values under $1.
  4. Book Sale of Second-Hand Books: This would be best towards the end of the year, when some families are packing up to move. Those families will most probably NOT want to bring their entire libraries, so asking them to donate to the Book Fair/Sale would be a great way to obtain many books. With publicity this event could turn out really successful!
Fundraising Ideas for School