Waking Up

She washed away the stale taste of alcohol

with toothpaste and mouthwash.

She smothered her lips with lip balm

and wore scarfs “for the cold”

with makeup to conceal her eyebags.

But it was just that: cover up.

The memories couldn’t be hidden;

her mind whirled with their dancing,

her body clung to his scent of cigarettes,

their conversations followed her.

Her eyes drooped and, behind them,

the scenes were replayed.

And no toothpaste, mouthwash,

lip balm, scarves or make up

could take those away.

Waking Up

Fundraising Ideas for School

  1. Bake Sale: Everyone loves food! Try to time these at opportunal times, such as when guests/parents/etc. are visiting other schools.
  2. Jewelery Sale: Ask friends and family to donate their old jewelery (things that aren’t broken!) and resell them. This should be easy because many times jewelery is gifted from friends/family and isn’t appreciated by the recipient. As long as it’s planned with enough time, it should work!
  3. JAR WARS: Encourage people to use their cents to further their cause and donate to charity! Divide donators in groups with different jars-if in a school, grades will do-and make currency from $1 up count + for that jar and negative for values under $1.
  4. Book Sale of Second-Hand Books: This would be best towards the end of the year, when some families are packing up to move. Those families will most probably NOT want to bring their entire libraries, so asking them to donate to the Book Fair/Sale would be a great way to obtain many books. With publicity this event could turn out really successful!
Fundraising Ideas for School

Know Where to Submit Your Writing

In order to know where to submit your work, I recommend you find an author that you like and look up to in order to try to follow in their footsteps. Once you find a writer who you idolize, try to find out what their other works are and where they have been published. I recommend these works are the same genre as yours (if you’re writing a short story, look up other short stories).

For example, I read Stuart Dybek’s short story “We Didn’t” and loved it. I therefore researched his other works, and what magazines had previously published his work. I came across some such as “Tin House”, “The Atlantic”, “Harper’s” and “5 Points”. This was a good start because then I could read up on the magazines criteria for submissions and see if I was interested in submitting my own work, and whether my writing fit what the different magazines were looking for.

Personally, this was a major step for me to know where I should submit my work. From this, I did similar research on other writers, poets and playwrights I’ve always looked up to (as well as ones I recently began liking) and now have a list of where I can submit my works in the future. I hope this helped!

Know Where to Submit Your Writing

How to Study for the IB Biology Exam (both HL and SL)

  1. Study in advance. Biology is the most extensive class in the International Baccalaureate in terms of what you have to remember, especially if you are taking the higher level class. In order not to be overwhelmed, start studying early.
    1. If you have not done this, don’t panic. You know more than you think, just by attending classes and keeping up with work you probably refreshed a lot of the material. Read over certain aspects you don’t understand, watch crash course videos, and try to learn as much as you can. However, do not overdo it, since you don’t want to try to cram so much information that you start getting confused.
  2. Try to understand what you’re studying instead of just memorizing the material. Learning information is much more useful than just memorizing it, since you can reason through questions on Papers 1 and 2 more easily if you understand what they’re asking instead of just regurgitating the facts. This includes asking your teacher, rereading certain aspects of the book, or even searching for more information online. Different explanations might work better for you than others, so don’t fret.
  3. Draw pictures, maps, diagrams, anything that’ll help you understand what’s going on. Paper 2 should be okay, if you do other practice papers you will notice that certain questions or topics come up every single exam. Paper 1 is harder, both because they’ll try to have trick questions and they’ll ask a wider variety of questions. Yet, don’t worry, you’ll do fine!
  4. Remember the IB is just another representation of what you’ve learned, so go show it off!
How to Study for the IB Biology Exam (both HL and SL)

How to Pass IB History HL

IB History HL might be one of the hardest classes in the International Baccalaureate. The main problem is that it’s almost impossible to reach a 7. Yet, there are certain tips you can remember to both write essays in class and prepare for the examination at the end of the year that will help you reach closer to this high score.

The first thing to do is to know the general timeline of events. Certain dates should not be confused, such as the outbreak of World War I, 1914, and the date it ended, 1919. Drawing out an overall timeline in your notes (while you’re studying), for both domestic and international conflicts, could be the best way to approach this.

Numerical values in and of themselves are very helpful. You should try to remember other dates, such as the years certain rulers (the ones you are studying) came to power. Any data you remember, such as the number of deaths that occurred under certain dictators or the dimensions of new technologies, should be included in the essays you write in Paper 1, 2 and 3. These will not only impress your examiner, but give you several extra points.

However, dictating numbers, years and dates will not earn you the seven you should be aiming for. To really score well, analysis is required. Therefore, you should also try to remember certain historian’s views, since name-dropping their ideas can also help impress your examiner. For example, I found it very useful to remember John Keynes’s economic ideas about the Great Depression. Furthermore, supplying different historians’ opinions helps delve into the analysis portion of the markscheme, earning you higher marks on Papers 1, 2 and 3 as well as the Internal Assessment.

And, don’t forget to study in advance, the best way to completely understand what is occurring during these years of history, without having to cram last-minute.

How to Pass IB History HL

Weight Issues, Feeling Comfortable

A lot of my friends have had issues with weight and their bodies. It’s important to know that nobody believes their body is perfect, even the models we awe at in photographs admit it. So don’t envy their bodies, love your own by staying healthy!

“The modelling industry made me hate my body” -Cara Delevigne

“I hated looking in the mirror” -Jourdan Dunn

So shake off your insecurities, they did it!

Weight Issues, Feeling Comfortable