Weight Issues, Feeling Comfortable

A lot of my friends have had issues with weight and their bodies. It’s important to know that nobody believes their body is perfect, even the models we awe at in photographs admit it. So don’t envy their bodies, love your own by staying healthy!

“The modelling industry made me hate my body” -Cara Delevigne

“I hated looking in the mirror” -Jourdan Dunn

So shake off your insecurities, they did it!

Weight Issues, Feeling Comfortable

Work Out

258 Days Left

The deal was set.

He embarked on his program:

worked out every day,

ate healthily, watching his

alcohol and calorie intake.

Building up muscle, removing fat.

All because he had seen a picture

of himself, a few years earlier,

looking fitter than he was presently.

And, after months of exhausting effort,

he stared at himself in the mirror.

And saw major improvement,

a transformed body in front of him,

but for what?

So that he could look back at pictures,

years from then, and be jealous of

his newly attained, fit body;

and repeat the whole procedure once more.

Work Out

The Breakfast Table

310 Days Left

The concerned eyebrow arches

are hidden behind the smiles

as they watch her

eat the food on her plate.

The waft from the kitchen

has always drawn her in,

and her parents are happy

to see that today, she actually ate.

And then they clean up the dishes,

her parents kiss her goodnight

and send their good wishes, walking

up the stairs to their bed. She

lets their happiness last.

When the coast is clear, she sneaks down

to the kitchen. She hoards the goodies:

the chocolate, cake and cookies,

knowing that her parents will only

be glad to know they’re gone because

she no longer fasts.

Done, she licks her lips, closes the jars,

throws out the packages.

She helps herself up,

walks up the stairs, listening closely

for her parent’s snores in the bedroom.

She takes her toothbrush, enters

the bathroom, and sticks it down her throat.

Hurling, she knows all the while

that tomorrow she’ll have to face her

mom-who thinks she’s stable- and her

dad’s encouraging smile

at the breakfast table.

The Breakfast Table